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Spiral Staircase Height: Solving for Unconventional Spaces

Conventional Staircase Heights

As you go about hunting for the ideal staircase for your next renovation job, there are always several parameters you want to fulfill. So when you go about building your stair, you want the right look to suit your theme, the right materials to meet your usage, and the right structure to ensure safety and reliability. Perhaps above all of these considerations, though, is wanting the staircase to fit—literally.

That means you want a staircase with the right diameter to match the designated amount of space in your project area and, something that can oftentimes be difficult to peg for sure (especially during the conceptualization phase of any project), you want to know the height of your stair.

To be clear, in the staircase world (when we say height) we specifically mean “floor-to-floor” height. This means that your staircase’s height needs to span not just from the top of your starting floor to the bottom of the above ceiling, but from the top of the bottom floor to the top of the above floor. This is the measurement that accounts for the entirety of the height your staircase needs to meet to satisfy your project’s needs.

In many cases, this measurement will be a conventional or standard one. Which makes it easy to satisfy. Paragon Stairs offers a Build Your Own staircase system that allows you to select a ready-to-go height to meet these conventional heights while customizing every other aspect of your staircase to make it the ideal match. So long as you know the approximate floor-to-floor height, the part of the Build Your Own process is simple and quick.

Unconventional Staircase Heights

Even if you don’t know the exact number of this measurement and you only have an approximation, Paragon Stairs offers a staircase line that still makes it easy to accommodate your project. Our Compression Stair has the ability to adjust up and down using specialized spacers until it’s a precise match to your space.

Paragon Stairs also offers an in-depth, one-on-one consultative process to help you determine exactly what will be the right fit, making it easy for you to go in the right direction with the right product.

Custom Engineered Staircases for Unique Height Needs

On top of our readily-available measurements for more conventional project heights and our Compression stair line with the ability to adjust for less conventional project heights, our team of in-house engineers will custom cut a staircase to be a personalized fit for your project. During the one-on-one consultation process, please feel free to let our Staircase designers know about any detail you feel is pertinent and we’ll take that into account during the creation of your customized staircase.

Take a look at Paragon’s extensive line of staircases ready to meet any project needs in terms of looks and size. Whatever unique needs you may have, our friendly consultative team members and in-house engineers stand ready to meet and surpass them.

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  • 3D model of your staircase in your space
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